Well this is odd; I got a letter in the mail from Doctors Without Borders today. As you may know,
I’m attempting to raise money for DWB on October 22nd at the Runners Without Borders event (click the link for more info). I have donated to
this organization at times in the past, and for their part they, like everyone
else who wants your disposable income, periodically send me letters exhorting
me to send them even more money. I’m working on it, I think, as I open
the letter which states in red bold letters, MATCHING GIFT OPPORTUNITY. Usually this means that they want you to hit
up your place of employment for matching contributions from them. That’s all well and good for some, but I
happen to know my employer won’t do that for me. So I almost don’t even bother opening the
letter, since I’m pretty sure I know what it’s going to say.
But the envelope seems thicker than usual, so I open
it. And they’ve included a cool map of
the world, and a letter that contains a pleasant surprise for all of us Runners
Without Borders participants and donators.
Apparently I don’t have to hit up my employer, because a nice lady named
Audrey Steele Burnand will be matching all donations to Doctors Without Borders
between now and November 15th, up to one million dollars! So that includes us!
In all seriousness, now that is generous. Wow.
And you know what? I am including
Audrey Steele Burnand as a pledger (seriously is that a word?) to my Runners
Without Borders event! Basically we just
doubled this whole thing thanks to Ms. Burnand.
I suspect she, like I, is motivated by the seriousness of the situation
in Somalia
and the need to get medicine and help there quickly. A tip of the cap to the generous lady, and we
will try to do our part to make her write a check with 7 digits.
Now as of today in our fine event we have 5 pledgers who are
donating one dollar for each person who runs a lap at RWB, up to varying
amounts. Which means simply by showing
up on October 22nd and running a loop you are raising $5 for
DWB. And now with Ms. Burnand’s matching
gift, you are earning $10 per loop. And
if you’re pledging a dollar per mile that you run, which is another popular pledge,
well, now DWB is getting $2 per mile for
your efforts. A $10 flat pledge just
became $20. Easy money. Nice.
So if you’re on the fence about joining in and running,
please come out, even if you can’t pledge anything. Last Saturday when I started this thing you
were worth $1 to DWB. Now you are worth
$10. And if we get some more pledges,
well, you do the math. This is pretty
freaking cool.
The older post contains a list of current participants and
pledges. To add your name to the list,
please email me at srslush@gmail.com or
click “attending, yo” (or whatever the button says) to the facebook event page. And if you have worked out a
pledge and care to share it with me, also please let me know that as well, thanks!
I’m attaching a scan of the letter for your perusal:
No word on the sharks with laser beams though.
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